The Evansville Grove Society found a creative way to meet in May and the first of June. As a result of these meetings many decisions were made. The most significant was to make no attempt to open the Museum and cancel all previously planned events (except our Annual Meeting) for the rest of 2020 and to aim for 2021.
This was a tough decision based on many factors. Due to COVID19, volunteers were unable to do the necessary planning and set-up to open the Museum. Plus, the Grove Society does not have an adequate number of volunteers at this time to properly maintain a safe environment and provide the required docent’s to staff the Museum.
We will not be sitting idle during these months. At these meetings, the board voted to accept many new items for the Museum and we are looking forward to showing them all off in 2021.
We also accepted a bid from B & B Quality Restorations of WI for tuckpointing the building. This spring it was discovered that the south east corner of the building’s tuckpointing had disintegrated to the point of possibly causing damage to the building. This took the project to the top of the list and it was decided to move quickly. We have funds to cover this, but it puts pressure on our operating budget.
As always, contributions to the cause would be greatly appreciated. We are working on grants and bids for a roofing repair or replacement and front step repairs as well. We will continue to keep you informed of any opportunities we are able to put together
Please stay "safer at home" and thank you for your continued support.