Mission Statement
We Discover, Keep, and Share Evansville’s Story.
Vision Statement
We will preserve, interpret, and support records and artifacts – including historic structures – that tell important parts of Evansville’s story.
In partnership with other groups, we will interpret aspects of Evansville’s story through exhibits, lectures, writing, the arts, and living history programs.
We will encourage genealogy and ethnic heritage learning, and will engage our community’s youth and visitors to learn about Evansville’s story.
In partnership with other groups, we will interpret aspects of Evansville’s story through exhibits, lectures, writing, the arts, and living history programs.
We will encourage genealogy and ethnic heritage learning, and will engage our community’s youth and visitors to learn about Evansville’s story.
Impact Statement
Through an award-winning project, we have saved and preserved the Historic Baker Office Building as a pivotal historic and architectural artifact, and as useful space for museum exhibits and community meetings. The Society’s leadership in a community-wide volunteer effort inspired self-confidence and an increased appreciation for the value of historic preservation.
The Society has championed broad awareness of Evansville’s historic assets, leading, among other things, to the establishment of three more National Register Historic Districts, three additional individual listings on the National Register, and the ongoing restoration of Leonard-Lake Leota Park.
In collaborative efforts with businesses, artists and “living historians”, the Society has brought positive attention to Evansville as an historic place, and as a desirable place to live and work.